
Man called Bitcoin whale

One of the most notable success stories in the world of Bitcoin is that of Roger Ver, often referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus” for his early advocacy of the cryptocurrency. Ver’s journey from a tech entrepreneur to a pioneering figure in the world of Bitcoin is both inspiring and complex.

Early Life and Business Ventures

Roger Ver was born in San Jose, California, in 1979. Growing up, he developed a strong interest in computers and technology, which led him to study computer science at De Anza College. However, he dropped out after a year, believing that the traditional education system wasn’t conducive to his entrepreneurial spirit.

Ver’s first major business venture was a company called, which he founded in 1999. The company specialized in selling used and surplus computer components, and it quickly became a success. By the mid-2000s, Ver had already amassed a fortune through his business endeavors. However, he wasn’t content with just running a successful company; he had a passion for libertarian ideals and was constantly searching for new ways to promote economic freedom.

Bitcoin whale

Discovery of Bitcoin

In 2011, Ver came across Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency that was still in its infancy. Bitcoin’s underlying philosophy resonated deeply with him. It promised to decentralize power away from governments and banks and put financial control back into the hands of individuals. Ver immediately saw its potential as a revolutionary financial tool that could bring more freedom to the world.

At a time when Bitcoin was trading for just a few dollars, Ver began investing heavily. He didn’t just invest financially; he also invested his time and energy into promoting Bitcoin. Ver became one of the first major evangelists for the cryptocurrency, earning the nickname “Bitcoin Jesus.” He believed Bitcoin was the key to a more open and free world, and he wanted everyone to know about it.

Bitcoin Advocacy

Ver’s early advocacy included funding the development of Bitcoin infrastructure. He invested in some of the first Bitcoin-related startups, including BitPay (a Bitcoin payment processor), (a Bitcoin wallet provider), and Kraken (a cryptocurrency exchange). Many of these companies are now giants in the crypto industry, and Ver’s early investments played a significant role in their success.

In addition to investing in Bitcoin companies, Ver was also a tireless promoter of the cryptocurrency itself. He traveled around the world giving talks, participating in panels, and spreading the word about Bitcoin. His enthusiasm and conviction helped inspire a generation of crypto enthusiasts and brought many people into the Bitcoin ecosystem during its early years.

Legal Troubles and Relocation

Bitcoin whale

In 2002, Ver encountered legal problems in the United States. He was convicted of selling explosives (fireworks) without a proper license and was sentenced to 10 months in prison. After serving his sentence, he became increasingly disillusioned with the U.S. government and its regulatory policies. This disillusionment deepened his commitment to libertarian principles and his belief in Bitcoin as a tool for economic freedom.

In 2014, Ver renounced his U.S. citizenship and became a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis, a small Caribbean island nation known for its citizenship-by-investment program. Ver cited philosophical reasons for his decision, stating that he no longer wanted to be associated with the policies of the U.S. government.

Bitcoin Cash and the Split

In 2017, as Bitcoin’s popularity surged, so did debates over its future direction. A significant point of contention was the issue of scalability. Some believed that Bitcoin’s block size

was too small, limiting the number of transactions that could be processed at once, which was causing slow transaction times and higher fees. Roger Ver became one of the most vocal advocates for increasing Bitcoin’s block size to solve this problem. He argued that Bitcoin should be able to function as a fast, low-fee payment system for everyday transactions, rather than just a store of value like digital gold.

This debate culminated in a controversial event known as the Bitcoin Hard Fork in August 2017. A faction of the Bitcoin community, including Ver, decided to split off from the main Bitcoin blockchain to create a new cryptocurrency called Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Bitcoin Cash was designed with a larger block size, allowing for more transactions per block and lower fees. Ver believed that this would help Bitcoin Cash stay true to what he saw as Bitcoin’s original vision laid out by its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto—a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

Ver became one of the most prominent figures in the Bitcoin Cash community, advocating for it as the “real Bitcoin.” He funded development teams working on Bitcoin Cash and continued his relentless campaign to spread adoption of the new cryptocurrency. The split between Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was divisive, with passionate advocates on both sides. To this day, Ver remains convinced that Bitcoin Cash offers a better solution for everyday payments, though Bitcoin itself has maintained the dominant position in the cryptocurrency market.

Building Businesses Around Bitcoin Cash

After the split, Ver continued to focus on promoting businesses and projects within the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. He invested in numerous ventures related to BCH, such as, a site that provides services such as a cryptocurrency wallet, exchange, and news platform focused on Bitcoin Cash. Ver has also advocated for BCH to be used in everyday transactions, aiming to make it a widely accepted global currency.

He worked tirelessly to persuade merchants and businesses to accept Bitcoin Cash, believing that its lower fees and faster transaction times made it superior to Bitcoin for everyday use. Despite facing criticism and challenges, Ver remained steadfast in his belief that Bitcoin Cash was better suited for widespread use as digital money.

Legacy and Impact

Roger Ver’s legacy in the world of cryptocurrency is undeniable. As one of the earliest Bitcoin adopters and investors, his influence helped shape the crypto industry during its formative years. His advocacy and financial support helped launch some of the most important companies in the Bitcoin ecosystem, many of which are now cornerstones of the global crypto market.

Even though his split from the Bitcoin community and his promotion of Bitcoin Cash remain controversial, Ver’s contributions to the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies cannot be ignored. He was instrumental in bringing Bitcoin into mainstream awareness when it was still largely unknown, and he helped foster a passionate community of supporters around the world.

Ver’s story is also a reflection of the ideological battles within the cryptocurrency space—battles over scalability, governance, and what Bitcoin should become. While some may disagree with his methods or opinions, Ver’s unwavering commitment to his ideals of economic freedom, decentralization, and individual empowerment remains at the core of his journey.


Roger Ver’s success story is a tale of vision, risk, and relentless advocacy. From his early days as an entrepreneur to becoming one of Bitcoin’s first evangelists, Ver played a pivotal role in shaping the cryptocurrency landscape. Despite the controversies surrounding him, his influence on the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is lasting, and his story serves as a testament to the transformative potential of new technology—and the people bold enough to champion it.

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